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SCEDI Vocational Technology Institute Scholarship Scheme

In actualizing our mandate of human capacity building and empowerment, SCEDI has provided scholarships for twenty widows within Abuja; through its SCEDI Vocational Technology Institute Scholarship Scheme, in the areas of computer education, beads making, tie and dye, and entrepreneurship development.

This is in sympathy to the plight of widows; who are victims of neglect and abuse, and more often than not are unskilled and uneducated, thereby leaving them in penury and lack. Usually they are left with a large family to cater for without the capacity to do so; these conditions have pushed many of them into self-pity, begging and other negative vices for survival.

In the light of the above, SCEDI has placed twenty widows on scholarship; in order to provide them with a sense of belonging and the capacity to meet their family needs.

It gives us joy to put smiles on the faces of the neglected in the society; as can be seen in the above picture. These widows are relishing the opportunity to not only be computer literates, but also learning how to use the knowledge gained to seek employment or start-up a business.

As can be seen above, a cross section of widows are paying full attention to their lecture, thereby showing great zeal towards the opportunity provided to them by the SCEDI scholarship scheme. This goes a long way to buttress the fact that many are poor not because of laziness but due to lack of opportunity.

The seriousness expressed by these widows is a source of inspiration and motivation for SCEDI to want to do more not only as a charity but service to both humanity and God. We are moved to do more; because we belief that combating poverty is the collective responsibility of all, not just that of the government. One of such mediums adopted by SCEDI is empowering and building the capacity of women especially widows. We are committed to replacing the tears of widows with laughter.

This is a happy day for this group of widows, who just concluded their last class after three months of intensive computer training at SCEDI Vocational Technology Institute SCEDI under our scholarship scheme. They have been empowered with the needed computer skills that would surely enhance their employability and chances of establishing their own small businesses. They are all excited about graduating and are relishing the opportunities that their new found knowledge and skills have provided them, with which they can combat poverty and even provide jobs for others.

We at SCEDI, wish them all the best in their future endeavors as they set out to utilize the skills we have painstakingly impacted in them for their betterment and that of humanity as a whole.