Scedi blog

(SCEDI) - Our support for covid- 19

The Covid-19 global pandemic have affected life and every sector of the economy negatively and there is need to show love and offer the best possible help we can at this period of time.

In a bid to offer the little we can, we at SkyWorth (Scedi Foundation) organized an outreach to the resident of Ajah, Lagos state, in order to provide food items for the needy and those who can’t get access to food in this period of time, we believe that yes many people are only able to feed when they have something to exchange for money like selling of daily used amenities, but due to lockdown there is no way people can go about their daily services and feed.
We took it upon ourself as an organisation to organise this food items program to the resident of Ajah and its eviron for the next 2 weeks.
This program is opened to people of all ages who can’t feed and don’t know where their next meal will be from.